Wednesday, 21 February 2018


A DOA is like preparing a dish for your husband. You want to know what his taste palate is first, before you make that dish

A DOA is like a lady's gloves. Unless you know the softness of the hand will you match what suits the hand.

A DOA is like shoes to your feet. Not knowing the contour of your feet, how would one know if the shoe fits?

Imagine a DOA not knowing if applicant is using his own cash to purchase, one using third party cash, a line of credit, "active" line of credit, "approve" line of credit, "subject to" line of credit, margin line, "subject to" margin line. or a buyer using someone else's credit line or a buyer using his exits EUROCLEAR account.

We get plenty of these types daily.

And what if the timezone window for bank to bank does not exist. Like London and San Francisco or London and Hong Kong.

What if a applicant only has 80,960 € or 404,800 € or 1.62 €Million or 80.96 €M to spend, or only with limited money and needed that BG or MTN badly, to raise 1B USD/Euro for a very good project.

How then would we address a Deed of Agreement ie, DOA or Contract to provide the SBLC BG MTN OR BD needed without a CIS Package?

Is applicant for Profit or a Not For Profit organization? What about a Foundation buying?

All these variables require customizing of DOA or Contract. And with it, the right bank to bank protocol both on procedure and communication.

We ask consultants and applicants to submit applicant PP CIS Full Bank/EUROCLEAR Account Details, Bank/Desk officer name phone and email address.

Once we have all applicant facts on the table, and applicant able to pass due diligence, compliance and gets vetting, are we able to determine what DOA or Contract suites the deal.

In a scenario, where applicant was "Wanted" for Tax Evasion. The CIS was "Dead on Arrival" or DOA

To all consultants or applicants, seeking BG SBLC MTN BD or simply wanting to fund their projects

What if there is a deed of agreement without the customer information sheet 


A DOA is like preparing a dish for your husband. You want to know what his taste palate is first, before you make that dish A DOA is like...